Apply for a grant from Planet Ark’s Seedling Bank

By Jennifer McMillan 12 December 2022

Do you have an environmental project you need support with? Apply for a grant from Planet Ark's Seedling Bank. Grants are open now until 24 February 2023.

Planet Ark’s Seedling Bank empowers schools and community groups to undertake regeneration projects by providing financial support to buy native seedlings. Since launching in 2019, over 90 groups have received funding to plant over 39,000 seedlings around Australia. This next round of grants will be the biggest yet – with funding for over 50,000 seedlings.  

How to apply: 

Any school or community group can apply for a grant:  

  • Visit the National Tree Day website   

  • Log in to the Coordinator Hub or create an account if you’re new to Tree Day   

  • Register your event for 2023 and fill in The Seedling Bank application form   

Planting events do not need to take place on National Tree Day, we support events all year round. Successful recipients will get to bring these projects to life and become life-long members of the Tree Day community. Read some of the stories from The Seedling Bank in Tree Talk and see the impact through before and after photos.  

Jennifer McMillan
Jen worked as a vet nurse while studying environmental science and completing her master's degree in Journalism. She loves bushwalking, storytelling, caring for baby animals, Australian birds and river red gums. Jen works on the National Tree Day campaign and Planet Ark's Seedling Bank.