Steps to help you run a National Tree Day or Schools Tree Day planting activity.
Social Media Kit
Activity Sheets
Fun kids activities for National Tree Day.

New Early Learning Activity Book
In this activity book you'll find a few activities kids can do on their own, and a few activities you can do together or in a group. Little hands may need help cutting things out, gathering materials and following instructions - we've made everything as clear and simple as possible.

New Activity Book
To deepen your understanding of how planting trees benefits the environment, we have a range of puzzles and games for you to enjoy! You can access our FREE National Tree Day Activity Book, which comes in both colour and black and white, by downloading it from the links provided below.

NTD Early Learning Activity Booklet - colour 15.33MB

Xmas Card 2.73MB
2023 National Tree Day Activity Book 9.66MB
Christmas Card 1.17MB
Fathers Day Card 1.38MB
Mothers Day card activity 1.51MB

Treasure Hunt Templates 0.32MB
Use these templates to embark on an environmental treasure hunt at your Tree Day site.
Making a Mini-Herb Garden 0.21MB
A how-to guide about how to make a mini-herb garden for your home.

Tree Anagrams 0.13MB
Unjumble these letters to find the names of native Australian trees and shrubs.
Enviro Diorama 0.15MB
Build your own enviro diorama full of all kinds of fantastic and interesting wildlife.
DownloadEmbedding Aboriginal Perspectives into your National Tree Day event

Planet Ark has teamed up with Deadly Ed to ensure all teachers and educators have the confidence, knowledge and resources to include Aboriginal perspectives across their National Tree Day initiatives. Follow the steps as outlined below, we have sorted these activities into what to do before, during and after your National Tree Day event to ensure you and all your students have a deadly learning experience.
Lesson Plans
Turn your Schools Tree Day actions into valuable classroom learning! We have teamed up with Cool Australia to create high quality curriculum toolkits for early learning, primary and secondary teachers.

NEW LESSON - Me and My Tree - Science & English (Years 2-3)
Every person has a significant tree in their life. Students use language as a vehicle for exploring trees and their place in the world. This lesson starts with a literacy hook! Then, it takes students from the classroom outdoors for a guided mindfulness session, connecting students with the world around them. Students are encouraged to do a poetry exercise where they are asked to write about a significant tree in their life: "Me and My Tree."
Every tree has a story to tell. This lesson instructs students on how to view trees as a guide to story structures and how to use trees and wildlife as characters in stories from their local environment. They use trees as both metaphor and subject for crafting a narrative, using their creativity and their connections to native wildlife.
This past few years has been particularly difficult, with stressful events including the bushfires and COVID-19 taking a toll on our mental health and wellbeing. This Schools Tree Day mindfulness lesson will be all about regenerating our minds. Kids will go on a walk in the forest and think about nature, seasons, and how trees change over time
To access the lesson, click here
Trees and The Elements (Years 4-6)
Trees give us oxygen, store carbon, provide us with materials and support wildlife. To provide these services, trees rely on a range of environmental elements to survive and thrive. Students will investigate the relationship between trees and elements and also create a poster showing the interactions between trees and air, light, fire, earth and water.
In the wake of the terrible bushfires during summer 2019/20, it’s important for everyone to learn about how the regeneration of land after fires and droughts, and ensure the ongoing survival of Australian bushland. This regeneration is absolutely crucial, as these areas provide homes to native wildlife and support plant and animal biodiversity.
To access the lesson, click here
Dirtgirl shows us how to plant!
This activity is designed to help students learn about how to plant, and care for the seedlings they grow during Schools Tree Day. The perfect activity to help students define and focus on the issues they will be dealing with in the unit of work.
To access the lesson and get planting, click here