Cottesloe Coastcare Association - Community Planting Day
On June 8th Cottesloe Coastcare aims to infill 1200 plants into the sand dunes at the northern most part of Cottesloe, known as Vera View North. In this location, there is a wide dune area that slopes steeply and then more gently from the lawn and walking/cycle path alongside Marine Parade down to the beach. In 2022 Cottesloe Council commissioned Syrinx to report on vegetation condition in the natural areas on Cottesloe. This area was given a condition score of 37%, up from 20% in 2015. (Between 2015-22 Council employed contractors to undertake infill planting. On the site there was little evidence of self-seeding.) In the next three years, Cottesloe Coastcare is aiming to achieve a condition score of 75% by actively planting into this site, focusing on the top dune areas and whole fore dune that was rated ‘completely degraded’ by Syrinx. Large shrubs/small trees, such as Melaleuca Huegelii will be planted into the shallow swale mid-dune to the beach. A beach access path, CT2 has been closed recently, and this area will be planted to stabilise the loose sand. In conjunction with the planting, Coastcare will undertake a weed trial to treat Marram grass, introduced after Cyclone Alby in 1978, aiming to replace it with dense spinifex/pigface foliage to create a more stable, natural primary dune. Since 1995, Cottesloe Coastcare Association has worked to protect the few natural areas remaining in Cottesloe. (This year we will celebrate our 30th anniversary.) We collect and propagate local seed, replant degraded areas, remove invasive weeds, and collect rubbish in fragile areas. In 2025 volunteer members will continue to work closely with the Town of Cottesloe, replanting the sand dunes with indigenous local vegetation, creating habitats for local wildlife, and adding to Cottesloe’s sense of place. Not only do our green spaces promote human health and well-being but they also provide a critical line of defence against erosion along the waterfront. Our aim is to protect the natural areas so that everyone, now and in the future, can appreciate our local plants, animals, and birds.
Sunday, 08 June 2025
9:00am to 11:30am
Marine Parade intersection with North Street
North Cottesloe
WA 6011
Site Organiser
Valdene Diprose
RSVP Contact
Valdene Diprose
Suitable for Children
Accessible for Wheelchairs
Cottesloe Coastcare's community planting event will take place in North Cottesloe, slightly south of the junction of Marine Parade and North Street. Seedlings will be planted in the sand dunes immediately south of Beach Access Path, CT1 - Vera View Beach.
Please wear footwear suitable for working in sand dunes and dress appropriately for the weather forecast on the day. Primary school children should be accompanied by an adult and guardians must provide an emergency contact number for unaccompanied secondary aged students. Coastcare will provide a substantial morning tea to sustain volunteers. Hand sanitiser is provided, and participants are encouraged to social distance where appropriate. A reminder to all volunteers — please stay home if you are unwell. Get tested if experiencing symptoms of COVID-19, or if you have been in a COVID affected area or identified as a close contact of a positive case. Please note: There are no public toilets at the planting site. The nearest public toilets are to the north, at Swanbourne Beach or south, at North Cottesloe Beach.
Gloves,Tools and equipment for planting,Watering cans / buckets,Drinking water,Snacks,Refreshments