Sandy Point Community Group Incorporated Tree Day Site Details

Sandy Point Community Group Incorporated

Project: The Weed for Plant Exchange project. The Sandy Point Community Group, through its Habitat initiative, has developed a 'Weed for Plant Exchange' project which aims to eradicate invasive weeds and replace them with indigenous plants suitable for Sandy Point gardens. Through education and encouragement of our town residents, the aim is to remove invasive weed (such as gazania, agapanthus, Pittosporum, vinca, etc) and replace them with a suitable indigenous plant. These plants can thrive in sandy soil and will tolerate varying degrees of salinity and wind. They will help increase the biodiversity of the village and provide food and habitat for our local fauna. Weed eradication: Through awareness and education, inform our community (both residents and community organisations) to consider removing invasive weeds/trees and replace them with more suitable indigenous plants. Areas to target would include private property (residents), roadside reserves and garden surrounds of community assets (Surf Club, CFA Shed, beach access tracks and farm paddocks adjacent to our town perimeter. Extend the Manna Gum corridor: Replace non-indigenous trees with Manna Gums to extend the corridor throughout the Sandy Point township to support our local koala population. Note: some sites would be suitable for wheelchair access.

Wildlife Corridors Coastal Rehabilitation Native Animal Habitat Threatened Species


Saturday, 07 June 2025

10:00am to 3:00pm


107 Beach Parade

Sandy Point

VIC 3959


Site Organiser

Michelle Jelleff

RSVP Contact

Michelle Jelleff


Suitable for Children


Accessible for Wheelchairs



The event location will be throughout the small coastal township of Sandy Point. Our koala population is spread throughout the town; therefore, the Manna Gums will be planted on public and private land to extend the wildlife corridor. The Weed for Plant Exchange will be launched on the same day and will take place across June and July to ensure the plants have time to establish the root system prior to the warmer months.


Activate the Job Safety Analysis (JSA) for each activity to inform and advise volunteers of the risk mitigation approach for each activity, identify the First Aiders present and any reporting requirements. Volunteers: 1. Project leaders will provide tools and guidance to volunteers regarding how best to identify invasive weeds, remove particular invasive weeds, how the weeds can be disposed of and where to collect replacement indigenous plants. 2. If residents require assistance to remove difficult or large volumes of weeds, the Sandy Point Community Group will coordinate a team of volunteers to visit the property, assess the volume and type of weed, and advise when and how the task can be approached. 3. Volunteers/property residents can advise Sandy Point Community Group when they are ready to put replacement plants in. Plants will be delivered to properties on a fortnightly basis through a notification process post the project launch until the seedling bank has been fully disbursed. Additional equipment available to volunteers: Fluro vests, gaiters, insect repellent.


Gloves,Tools and equipment for planting,Watering cans / buckets,Drinking water,Snacks,Refreshments