Why hug a tree for NTD? The evidence shows it will make you feel better

By Jennifer McMillan 23 July 2020

Planet Ark has a call-to-action for everyone this National Tree Day: Hug a Tree.

Most Australians have experienced some form of loss during the last year, whether due to 2019/20 bushfires or impacts of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. We have experienced disconnection and isolation and there’s been trauma and hardships.

At this time our connection with nature is more important than ever for our individual health and collective wellbeing. Undoubtedly, connection with nature has already helped many of us deal with recent hard times.

Our research found approximately 55% of Australians felt that time in nature improved their mood or eased anxieties during the ongoing coronavirus pandemic as opposed to just 12% who didn't. For some people, slowing down and isolating resulted in a newfound love for growing food, spending more time in the local park, beach or bush or even bringing the green indoors. 

With the launch of the 2020 Tree Day report, Regenerating: our land, our people and our future, and following the cancellation of public planting events for the first time in 25 years, Planet Ark is encouraging everyone to share a photo of themselves connecting with nature or hugging a tree using the hashtag #HugaTreeforNTD as a commitment to regeneration.  

We know we feel good when we’re in natural environments, you never regret a walk amongst the trees. Hugging a tree or simply being amongst nature is a great way to overcome the disconnect many have been feeling or are still struggling with. 

And in caring for our trees and environment, we care for ourselves. As stated by research contributor and CEO of Firesticks Alliance Indigenous Corporation, Oliver Costello:

“Our trees need to be cared for as they are sacred to us all, if we understand them. They hold knowledge as the apex in our forests, the holders of soil, the filters of air and the providers of story, fire, food, shelter and much more."

Join us to celebrate trees in the lead up to National Tree Day, pledge your support to regeneration, for both ourselves and the land by sharing a photo connecting with nature using the hashtag #HugaTreeforNTD. 

Positive Action

Find out more and get involved with the #HugaTreeforNTD campaign.

Jennifer McMillan
Jen worked as a vet nurse while studying environmental science and completing her master's degree in Journalism. She loves bushwalking, storytelling, caring for baby animals, Australian birds and river red gums. Jen works on the National Tree Day campaign and Planet Ark's Seedling Bank.