Celebrating half a million trees

By Jennifer McMillan 11 December 2022

Despite the challenges of 2023, volunteers around Australia have planted half a million trees, shrubs and grasses through National Tree Day events. Over 50,000 volunteers participated in regeneration activities with 1,288 sites registered.

Toyota Australia celebrated 23 years as the Major Sponsor of Planet Ark’s National Tree Day. Individual Toyota Dealerships supported over 150 community and school events, providing funding for seedlings and planting equipment as well as merchandise and activities for kids and adults.  

Meet the some of the Toyota Dealers and ambassadors 

Motorama Toyota Moorooka helped Moorooka State School students turn their ideas for a bee garden into a reality. One of the objectives was to provide fresh produce for school families, the tuck shop and the wider community. 

Pacific Toyota Cairns teamed up with Cairns Council and Skyrail Cairns to plant over 1,200 seedlings for Tropical Tree Day.  

Toyota ambassador Adam Goodes teamed up with Costa and the IndigiGrow team to celebrate Schools Tree Day at Matraville Sports High School.     Do you have an environmental project you need support with? Apply for a grant from Planet Ark’s Seedling Bank. Log in to the coordinator hub and add your application to your registered 2023 National Tree Day event.   

Dates for 2023: 

  • Schools Tree Day – Friday 28th July  

  • National Tree Day – Sunday 30th July  

  • Tropical Tree Day – Sunday 3rd December 

Jennifer McMillan
Jen worked as a vet nurse while studying environmental science and completing her master's degree in Journalism. She loves bushwalking, storytelling, caring for baby animals, Australian birds and river red gums. Jen works on the National Tree Day campaign and Planet Ark's Seedling Bank.