Celebrating five years of Planet Ark's Seedling Bank

By Jennifer McMillan 25 October 2023

Would your workplace like to donate native seedlings on behalf of its staff or customers?

Established in 2019, The Seedling Bank is Planet Ark’s nature restoration grants initiative. It is an evolution of the work we do through National Tree Day, which has seen Australians plant over 27 million trees since 1996.  

The Seedling Bank is our way of giving back to the thousands of National Tree Day volunteers. Each year we receive hundreds of applications from teachers, students, Landcarers, wildlife carers, farmers and individuals across every state and territory in Australia.  

So far, we have provided funding for over 130,000 seedlings to 251 school and community groups. In 2023, we had the funding to support 27 per cent of our community who applied for a grant, leaving many others without the financial support they needed. The next round of grants opens December 1, and we are looking for donations to increase the pool of funding to support more schools and community groups to get seedlings in the ground. 

Each year, we publish a series of case studies on some of the groups who have benefited from funding. The stories are exemplars of the multiple benefits planting trees can bring to people, plants, animals and our planet.  

From rewilding efforts on South Australia’s Fleurieu Peninsula to habitat planting for the critically endangered western ringtail possum, these initiatives are making a tangible difference in protecting and restoring our precious ecosystems.   

All the tales we hear through National Tree Day remind us of the power of nature and the importance of collective action.

Thank you to all of our sponsors and supporters who make this work possible. National Tree Day's major sponsor, Toyota Australia, category partner, NSW Department of Planning and Environment, Official Sponsors of The Seedling Bank, Cabot's and Dexus, and Official Supporters of The Seedling Bank, Bendix, Grosvenor Place, Lifecycle Plus, and Winc. We also extend our gratitude to all the individuals who have generously donated to this program.  

Donate to Planet Ark’s Seedling Bank or read more about the beneficiaries in Tree Talk.  

Jennifer McMillan
Jen worked as a vet nurse while studying environmental science and completing her master's degree in Journalism. She loves bushwalking, storytelling, caring for baby animals, Australian birds and river red gums. Jen works on the National Tree Day campaign and Planet Ark's Seedling Bank.