Pearl Beach Arboretum
We are working with a local community artist to have a tree day celebration and planting on site at the Arboretum. We have lost many of the plantings in our flowering shrub area which was originally planted in the early 1990s as a habitat for small native birds and animals. We plan to improve the soil profile before replanting it to become a favourite garden in the Arboretum for both visitors and for birds and animals.
Sunday, 27 July 2025
6:00am to 8:00am
69 Crystal Avenue
Pearl Beach
NSW 2256
Site Organiser
Mary Knaggs
RSVP Contact
Victoria Crawford
Suitable for Children
Accessible for Wheelchairs
There will be an event to celebrate Tree Day including erection of the temporary community installation "Alba Tree" and new planting out of our Flowering Shrub Area.
More information on the Alba Tree community event will be available closer to the date. There will be a musical event to celebrate the "Alba Tree community installation, which involves community participation in an art sculpture that celebrates the importance of trees. The community will be invited to plant and water in a shrub in the wildlife corridor under the direction of Arboretum volunteers. We also need volunteer help in mulching and installing wallaby proof temporary fencing. Please wear sensible shoes and long trousers and bring a hat and gloves.
Tools and equipment for planting,Watering cans / buckets,Drinking water,Snacks,Refreshments