There are many ways to get involved with National Tree Day at home by planting a tree in your garden, starting a vegetable patch, compost or worm farm, download our activity sheets.

Planting at home to celebrate National Tree Day is a great way for those unable to attend a larger community planting to get involved. However, you don't need to wait until National Tree Day - start creating your own native garden oasis today!

Whilst protecting and revegetating large patches of native habitat is vital, there's also lots of smaller actions we can take in our own backyards (or balconies) to ensure our wonderful plants and native wildlife are supported and can be enjoyed within our urban areas and beyond for generations to come.

Register A Site

Join our community of environmental enthusiasts as we strive to see 1million trees planted across Australia. Every single tree counts.

As part of your registration you will receive access to:

  • Monthly newsletter updates
  • Research reports
  • The Coordinator Hub
  • Tree Day Toolkit
  • And more..

National Tree Day is officially on Sunday 30th July 2023, but you can register your event, or make a pledge below for the trees you have planted any time of the year, as we believe every day is Tree Day.