Stories from The Seedling Bank: Springfield Lakes Nature Care

By Sarah Chaplin 14 December 2021

The team at Springfield Lakes Nature Care (SLNC) were ready and raring to plant on National Tree Day this year, however just 20 hours before their event, all of Brisbane was plunged into an eight day lockdown.

Unfortunately, this meant that, like many other Australians on August 1st, the day was spent in isolation rather than planting trees. Despite this setback, National Tree Day was celebrated two weeks later on the 15th August at Opossum Creek in South West Brisbane. 86 dedicated volunteers including a local MP, Toyota Dealership representatives and residents from the area attended the event and a special National Tree Day cake was even cut for the occasion!

Springfield Lakes Nature Care

400 seedlings were planted on the day – primarily mid story and tall eucalypts in addition to some native grasses. These plants will stabilise the creek bed and increase the buffer zone along the water line. When the trees have grown enough, they will provide habitat for the many insects, reptiles, birds and mammals that rely on this important riparian zone. 

Opossum Creek and its surrounds contain patches of remnant rainforest that has been invaded by Camphor Laurel and other exotic species over the years, reducing the abundance and diversity of endemic plants in the region. The ongoing efforts by the team at Springfield Lakes Nature Care will see the area transform into the lush subtropical rainforest ecosystem it once was. Progress has already been made, with camera traps detecting an increasing number of kangaroos, finches and other small birds, and Yellow-tailed black cockatoos in the area. 

SLNC President, Luise Manning, spoke of the success of this year’s National Tree Day event and the importance of time in nature during the COVID-19 pandemic:

“This was our most successful ever tree planting event, having the most volunteers coming together with the goal to plant and revegetate a remnant rainforest. It also gave the volunteers an opportunity to give back to the environment and enjoy a chance to get connected with nature to help restore their mental wellbeing.”

Funding from The Seedling Bank allowed the SLNC team to complete a section of riparian restoration along Opossum Creek with the assistance of many dedicated volunteers at their National Tree Day event. These seedlings will connect the creek to surrounding vegetation, creating wildlife corridors and safe homes for the wildlife of Southeast Queensland.

Sarah Chaplin
Sarah joined the Planet Ark team in early 2019 to work in the Information Centre and on the National Tree Day Seedling Bank special project. She is passionate about environmental science and has an academic background in biology and conservation science. Since graduating, she has worked with small not-for-profit environmental organisations and is delighted to be able to put her range of skills and experience to use at Planet Ark.